Saturday 15 September 2012

Basic information that most be known.

We ... has a team decided that our first post would not be really meaningful but still the most important. The general information is very important because it allows us to have a general overview of the country. We are considering that even more important in this case. Mostly because we are not specialist in the country we talk about here. Not being aware of what is going on economically,politically,militarily and in other important aspect; could be fatal in some circumstances, due to the background of the country.

-          Capital: Brasilia 2,606,885 populations

-          Country population: 196 million

-          Average age of the population: 62% under 29 years old
-       Life expectancy: 73 years old
-      Poverty headcount ration at national poverty line: 21,4%

-          Ethnicity: white 53,7%, mulatto (black & white)38,5%, black 6,2%

-          Official language: Portuguese

-          Religion: Roman catholic 73,6%, protestant 15,4%, none 7,4%

-          Currency: Brazil Reais (BRL)

-          GDP total:2,477 trillion

-          GDP per capita: 10,720

-          Land division: 26 states and 1 federal district

-          Largest city by population: Sao Paolo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Fortaleza, Belo Horizonte, than the capital

-          Temperature: on average between 25oC and 40oC depending on the region

-          Climatic region: tropical rainforest, tropical wet and dry, tropical monsoon, hot semi arid, humid subtropical, subtropical high land

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